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February 25, 2017

How Habits Impact Emotional Wellbeing

The famous quote, "We form our habits, and then our habits form us," eludicates the simple fact that we are the sum of our habits. Habits form insidiously, and we are not aware of them until something (e.g., illness, another person, tragic event) forces us to examine, "How did I get here?"

February 26, 2017

Stress - Survival Response

Many of my patients exhibit symptoms related to stress without much knowledge how their perceived stressors impact their emotional and physical wellbeing.  Thus, I thought a discussion (actually several discussions) on this issue is needed.  This first article describes how the human body is “designed” to handle stress.  Knowledge of this is paramount for understanding the symptoms and treatment for stress-related illnesses.

March 04, 2017

Bipolar Mood Spectrum

Bipolar mood cycling disorders are often misunderstood.  Why is that?  I suspect it is because mood cycling disorders are like a bouquet of flowers - there are many various presentations and combinations.   

March 11, 2017

Why Do I Ruminate?

Ever catch yourself worrying about the same issue for hours on end?  Of course you do.  We call this rumination, and it is a common state that perpetuates depression and anxiety.  This articles introduces the term rumination, how rumination worsens emotional illness, and what can be done about it.

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